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For users of the internet pages of Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH

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All the content of this website (especially text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos) and the positioning thereof in Bosch websites is subject to copyright protection and to other protection laws. Without the consent of the respective rights owner, the content of these websites may not be copied, disseminated, modified or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes.


Unless otherwise indicated, the brands used on our sites are the intellectual property of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany.

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No license to use the intellectual property (in particular the patents, marks and copyrights) of companies in the Bosch Group (Bosch) or of third parties is granted by way of this website.

Information on Online Dispute Resolution

The European Commission has set up a platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). This platform is intended to serve as a point of contact for the out-of-court resolution of disputes relating to contractual obligations under online sales contracts and online service contracts.

The platform is provided at

Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH does not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before consumer arbitration bodies.

WEEE registration number

WEEE Reg. No. DE 80087893

Corporate governance statement pursuant to Section 289f (4) of the German Commercial Code (HGB)

Due to legal requirements, a company subject to co-determination must set and publish targets for the proportion of women in management positions as well as deadlines for achieving the targets. Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH therefore publishes its declaration in accordance with section 289f (4) HGB below.

In 2017, the shareholders' meeting of Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH adopted targets for the proportion of women of 0% for the supervisory board and 0% for the board of management of Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH, with a deadline for achieving the targets by December 31, 2021. As of December 31, 2021, no women are represented on the Supervisory Board and the Board of Management of Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH. Thus, the proportion of women on the Board of Management/Supervisory Board as of December 31, 2021 corresponds to the target set at the time.

In December 2021, the shareholders' meeting of Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH again set targets for the proportion of women on the supervisory board and board of management of Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH. The targets adopted by the shareholders' meeting are 33.33% (rounded) for the supervisory board and 25% for the board of management of Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH. December 31, 2025 was set as the deadline for achieving both target figures.

In December 2021, the board of management of Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH adopted targets for the proportion of women in the two management levels below the board of management. These are 18.2% for the proportion of women in the first management level and 17.9% in the second management level, and in each case also take into account Bosch Connected Industry. A deadline of December 31, 2025, has been set for achieving both targets.

Worldwide, the current proportion of female executives across all management levels in the Bosch Group can be found in the annual report. Bosch aims to continuously increase this proportion - irrespective of individual Group companies.